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Meaning of life

Is there a deeper meaning or purpose to life? I'd like to say yes, but it would still depend on the purpose you give to your life. I have seen no reason to believe that there is an inherent meaning to life, given to humans by an external source. Why would there be?


Ofcourse, different religions teach there is a deeper meaning to life, given by a devine being. But how does worshipping a supreme being give meaning to your life? How does limiting yourself and your abilities give purpose to your life? And I do mean it, as I say it. With rules being set by religious teachings, there seems to be a limitation on individual peoples ability to express themselves they way they would want to. 


Whenever this comes up, I always get a bit Hedonistic. It's not mainly my worldview, but definitely part of it. Life is short enough, so, what is wrong with enjoying yourself during the course of it? Ofcourse rules and regulations need to be, in order to avoid anarchy, but still...


Hedonism: "a school of thought that argues that the pursuit of pleasure and intrinsic goods are the primary or most important goals of human life"


Surrendering your life to a supreme being doesn't seem constructive to me, as a non-believer. But I do understand people find solace in religion and worship. Which is fine, ofcourse. For me however personal development and helping people do the same does that. I believe in Star Trek they said it best: "Life long and prosper" where "prosper"should be used as "to do well, succeed, or thrive on a personal level" and not on a specifically on a financial level. 

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